Investment task Description Year Costumer Location
The concept for production line of liquide fertilizer with supplements General concept 2011 Zakłady Azotowe "Puławy" S.A. Poland
(Polski) Baza magazynowa nawozów płynnych typu RSM o poj. 5 800 t. (Polski) Realizacja w formule „pod klucz”, PROZAP – Główny Realizator Inwestycji, Koncepcja Programowo-Przestrzenna, wielobranżowa, kompleksowa dokumentacja techniczna, dostawy, koordynacja współpracy z dostawcami urządzeń i firmami wykonawczymi, nadzory 2015 „AGROCHEM ” Sp. z o.o Człuchów, Poland
Calcium nitrate production plant Basic Design, Civil Engineering Design, Detail Engineering 2010 Ekoplon S.A. Poland
Ammonium nitrate plant Hazop study 2010 Zakłady Azotowe ANWIL S.A. Poland
Liquid fertilizers plant General concept, Cost Estimates 2010 Undisclosed Poland
General concept for a production unit and off-sites for ammonium nitratebased bulk fertilisers Multi-option concept for fertiliser production unit and off-sites 2006 Zakłady Azotowe "Puławy" S.A. Poland
Nitro-chalk Storage in Fertiliser Complex Nitro-chalk Storage with all facilities (transport, handling, storage, weighing, packing, loading, roads and yards). Capacity - 25 000 tons. General concept and spatial layout, Civil Engineering Design, Detail Engineering 2005 Zakłady Azotowe ANWIL S.A. Poland
AN Packing and spedition unit Capacity – 3 x 1 115 mtpd of granulated product 2002 Zakłady Azotowe "Puławy" S.A. Poland
Revamping of ammonium nitrate bagging station Detail Engineering, supervision 2001 Zakłady Azotowe "Puławy" S.A. Poland
Bulk Fertilizer Storage and UAN Terminal UAN Storage capacity – 27 000 t. Bulk Fertilizer storage capacity – 140 000 m Loading/Unloading capacity – 2000 Civil Engineering Design, Detail Engineering 1999 Bałtycka Baza Masowa – Port Gdynia Poland
Magnesium Nitrate Solution Production Unit as addition to AN 7 mtph of 50% Mg(NO3)2 solution upstream of an AN plant of capacity 3x1 115 mtpd of granulated product. Patented process, Basic and Detail Engineering, Supervision over start-up 1998 Zakłady Azotowe "Puławy" S.A. Poland
AN Granulation unit Capacity – 3 x 1 115 mtpd of granulated product,Vibro-rotary Bucket installation 1998 Zakłady Azotowe "Puławy" S.A. Poland
Ammonium nitrate prill tower exit air cleaning unit Capacity – 1 200 mtpd of granulated product Basic Design, Detail Engineering 1992 Zakłady Azotowe "Włocławek" Poland
Ammonium nitrate prill tower exit air CLEANING UNIT Capacity - 3 x 1 115 mtpd of granulated product Basic Design, Detail Engineering 1988 Zakłady Azotowe "Puławy" S.A. Poland
Urea solution transport for UAN and the production unit Connection of Urea and Ammonia Plantsto UAN production unit.Heat traced urea pipeline – approx. 2 000 m long. Basic Design, Detail Engineering 1987 Zakłady Azotowe "Puławy" S.A. Poland
Production Plant of Solid Fertilizer based on Ammonium Nitrate General Concept, Cost Estimates 2014 Grupa Azoty Zakłady Azotowe “Puławy” S.A. Poland
NOx production capacity increase Concept and Cost Estimates 2015 Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY Poland
(Polski) Budowa instalacji wytwarzania nawozów ciekłych typu RSM oraz budowa bazy logistycznej nawozów ciekłych typu RSM (Polski) Realizacja „pod klucz”, w tym: koncepcja, Projekt Budowlany, Projekt Wykonawczy, Dokumentacja powykonawcza, Projekt Budowlany zamienny, przygotowanie placu pod budowę, wykonanie Harmonogramu Prac, usługi geodezyjne, uzgodnienia i zgody z UDT, dostawa i montaż urządzeń, aparatów, konstrukcji stalowych 2015 Grupa Azoty ZAK Poland
Modernization of a system for dissolving off-spec AN Detail Engineering, Procurement Documentation and Bid Evaluation 2016 Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY Poland
Construction of vacuum AN solution evaporation unit in I and II production trains Pre-design Work, Procurement Management, Civil Design, Detail Engineering, Supervision 2016 Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY Poland
New 1300 MTPD ammonium nitrate plant - pre-design works Tender documentation: technical evaluation of proposals, preliminary concept with cost estimate, technical attachments to the contracts; Environmental Impact Report, preparation of Material Requisition 2017 Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY Poland
New 1300 MTPD ammonium nitrate plant Complete technical documentation: Civil Design, area classification, multi-discipline Detail Engineering, Tender documentation: inquiries, technical proposal evaluation, technical attachments for contracts, equipment registration files, HAZOP and SIL, plant start-up and operating manuals. Supervision, evaluation of equipment documentation, participation in coordination meetings and pre-commissioning. 2021 Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY Poland
Revamping of the UAN production plant Procurement: inquiries, technical evaluation of proposals; Civil Design, Detail Engineering and cost estimates, registration files, supervision. 2018 Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY Poland
Production plant of granulated fertilizer based on ammonium nitrate Civil Design, multi-discipline Detail Engineering, Procurement: technical evaluation of proposals, technical attachments to contracts, operating documentation and registration files, evaluation of completness of the Process Design, coordination, participation in commissioning, author's supervision services (elements of pre-commissioning). 2021 Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY Poland